About the Lab
Principal Investigator

Trevor Moraes
Dr. Moraes is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and a Tier II Canada Research Chair in the Structural Biology of Membrane Proteins. He completed his undergraduate training in the Department of Biochemistry at Queen’s University in 1997 and an MSc there with Dr. William Plaxton in 1999. He obtained his PhD in 2004 at the University of Alberta, supervised by Drs. Michael Ellison and J.N.Mark Glover, followed by post-doctoral studies with Dr. Natalie Strynadka at the University of British Columbia.
Lab Members

I've been with the Moraes Lab since 2010 as a lab technician. My general interests are in understanding surface protein structure and function in pathogenic bacteria. Outside of the lab, I enjoy food, volleyball, and cats.

Chuxi defended her Master's thesis in August 2019 and is currently working as a technician in the lab.

Dave is a bioinformatician who completed his PhD from the University of Calgary on genomics and gene family evolution of nematodes. His main areas of expertise are software development and phylogenetics, and he works on many projects in collaboration with other members of the lab.

Epshita is developing vaccine products against several important human and veterinary bacterial pathogens by targeting essential nutrient acquisition systems.

Dixon completed his PhD in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University and a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Calgary. He is currently working as a postdoctoral fellow, focusing on harnessing bacterial pathogenic mechanisms in vaccine antigen development and delivery.

Greg is a biochemist with a strong background in biophysics. He completed his PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Toronto. He’s interested in structural characterization of challenging proteins, understanding the role of host-pathogen interactions in infection, and sampling local craft beer.

Tom completed his BSc and PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Toronto. He is currently studying nutrient transport in the Gram-negative pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii.

Sang completed his BSc in Biochemistry at the University of Toronto. He currently works on a novel class of bacterial membrane proteins called Slams, investigating their mechanism of function.

Natalie completed her BScH at UofTSc and began her PhD in Sept 2019.

Huong completed her BScH in Biochemistry at the University of Toronto and began her PhD in Sept 2019.

Matt is a PhD candidate in the Joint Education Program between the University of Toronto and University of Melbourne (Chris McDevitt's Lab).

Steph joins us after completing an undergrad at McGill University.

Mahrukh joins our lab after completing her undergrad at McMaster.

Caitlyn joins our lab after completing an MSc in Cell and Developmental Biology at the University of British Columbia.

Yaxin is a 4th year Immunology SSP and Biochem Major. She is working in the lab as a Imm450 student on Neisserial antigen.

Christoph is a 4th year Biochemistry SPP student. Currently, he's working on interactions between membrane transporters and their cognate enzyme.

April is a 3rd year Biochemistry SPP student. She is currently working on elucidating the structure and function of an SLP in Pasteurella multocida.
Lab Alumni
Cathy Horvatin (Lab manager)
Postdoctoral Fellows
- Charles Calmettes (2009-2016) - Associate Professor at INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier
- Xiaoyun Bai (2013-2015, co-supervised with Dr. R. Reithmeier) - Visiting PDF at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Bethesda, MD, USA
- Volodymyr Shnitsar (2010-2013, co-supervised with Dr. R. Reithmeier) - Research and Development Chemist, Airboss of America
- Megha Shah (2014-2020, co-supervised with Drs. K. Maxwell & A. Davidson)
- Maciej Jagielnicki (2019-2022) - Assistant Professor at the University of Miami, Frost Institute for Chemistry and Molecular Science
PhD Students
- Yogesh Hooda (PhD 2018) - Scientist, Child Health Research Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Anastassia Pogoutse (PhD 2019) - Strategic Research Development Officer, University of Toronto Mississauga
- Nick Ostan (PhD 2022) - Developer, IBM, Toronto
- Tom Bateman (PhD 2022) - PDF at University of Toronto
- Esther Shin (PhD 2023) - PDF at Stanford University
- Sang (MinhSang) Huynh (PhD 2024) - PDF at the University of Toronto
Master's Students
- Rediet Taddese (MSc 2013, Co-supervised with Dr. R. Reithmeier)
- Andrew Judd (MSc 2013) - Research Scientist at Bench Sci
- Fan Xia (MSc 2016, Co-supervised with Dr. R. Reithmeier) - Senior Scientist Molarray Research Inc.
- Alima Khan (MSc 2021, Co-supervised with Dr. K. Maxwell) - Research Associate at ProteinQure
- Chuxi Pan (MSc 2019) -
- Mahrukh Fatimah (MSc 2024) -
Undergraduates and Project Students
- Ali Bin Munim
- Raina Yuzi Li
- Derrick Chong
- Alex Daiejavad
- Sherwin Xu
- Doa Chaki
- Timothy Pham Ho
- Flora ZhiQi Wang
- Benjamin Zheng
- Ashutosh Gupta
- Yancheng Li
- Brandon Mitchell
- Sarah Soyoung Kim
- Royce Chun Lai
- Parnian Dolati Ardejani
- Robert Lu
- Linda En Ze Zhong
- Marim Barghash
- Alexandra Zimmer
- Weike Liang
- Judy Truong
- Adrienn Goczi
- Donghe Yang
- Michelle Quach
- Brandon Sit
- Anastasia Bosc
- River Jiang
- David Guo
- Henry Chang
- Amanda Miles
- YeeSoo Kim
- David Shen
- Anselm Hui
- Duncan Holbrook-Smith
- Hao Li
- Kang Wei David Lui
- Calvin Tang
- Olof Fahleson
- Justine Berson
Lab Events
Metal Coordination Sites in Proteins
Universal Protein Resources (UniProt)
Pictorial Library of Crystallization Drop Phenomena
Protein Crystallography Course
TLS Motion Determination (TLSMD)
X-ray Anomalous Scattering Tutorial
Grant Agencies
Canadian Institutes of Health and Research (CIHR)
Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR)
Michael Smith Foundation for Medical Research (MSFMR)
Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI)